Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Back to Week 6 I don't get it. When I'm out and about away from my home or work computer and I'm struck by an information need that can only be answered online I probably have a pretty good idea where to turn. If I don't have a sense of where to go, I'm going to be doing a web search anyway. Bah humbug. If I come across an interesting web site that I feel compelled to create a bookmark for, it is probably burned into my memory deeply enough that I don't have to go to the extra trouble of logging into and searching there. Coupling that with the frequency that web sites change/move/are deleted, seems to be a burden.

As for the tagging, that shows some promise but right now there is so little disambiguation between tags that frequently it is easier to just do a google search on the topic to find similar pages. When I found a page dealing with converting a gas car to plug-in electric, one tag used was "conversions." I clicked on it and was neatly directed to sites that had nothing to do with my desired topic, unless in the time it took for the new page to load I suddenly wished that I had a list of metric-standard conversion web sites.

My review of Just like most people's relation to the public library, I'm getting along fine without it. Am I missing something?

Once again: bah humbug.

1 comment:

Avid Reader said...

I actually use delicious all the time. I have my own PC at work so I have installed the icons on my toolbar and can add something to my favorites list with one click. I have also accessed the page from home and I would never remember where all the sites are located. Maybe it is only truly useful if
1) you are forgetful
2) you have your own PC at work
3) you have the icons on your toolbar